Ways to Prune Hydrangeas to Get the Best Blooms in Summer

It is important to determine the kind of hydrangea you have to know the ideal time in pruning it. Macrophylla and paniculata are the most common varieties of hydrangeas. Pruning Macrophylla Macrophylla Hydrangeashave big leaves that have flowers that change colors. When you plant it in acidic soil, the flowers become blue. If planted in alkaline soil they become pink. If you prune these in...

Famous Annual Flowers Worth Checking Out

California Poppy In many mixes of wildflowers, you will see that the California poppy seed is present. However, it is best to grow it as it is. Its dainty orange flowers are positioned on leaves that look like ferns. Sweet Alyssum If you want a beautiful flower mat, you can plant sweet alyssum. This is also ideal for the edges of your pathways, containers, or border fronts. Most of these flowers...

The Best Flowers If You Suffer from Allergies

Begonias Begonias are free-flowering plants that do not shed too much pollen. It is because these are kept in a garden with shade. All the famous varieties of begonias are great for people suffering from allergies. Azaleas Azaleas depend on insects to pollinate. These flowers rarely release it towards the wind. Even though these flowers could not cause allergies, all the parts of this plant are...

The Best Garden Flowers to Grow in Autumn

Goldenrod Before, there were misconceptions about goldenrod that it worsens hay fever. However, it was ragweed. Both goldenrod and ragweed blossoms in the same period. Therefore, this flower has a bad reputation for causing allergies. This is one of the few flowers that bloom in autumn. Most goldenrods are grand and tall. Nevertheless, there are also short varieties of this flower. There are over...